Local Leadership for European Rural And Small Cities

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Local Leadership for European Rural And Small Cities

Local Leadership for European Rural And Small Cities

About the Project​

Local governments must take responsibility to mitigate, counter, and overcome the impact of the economic crisis COVID-19 is generating, in order to soften the wide destructive effects on social cohesion and risks exacerbating societal tensions for coming. There is a widespread recognition of the need for improvements in governance and in the management of public expenditure, for increasing efficiency across the whole public sector, and for greater collaboration between all stakeholders, central government, and local and regional authorities as well as their associations.

This project based on giving responses to the upcoming new crisis and its consequences paints a picture of today’s situation, which clearly shows that the state of affairs has worsened even further since the previous year. It aims to improve the awareness and training of local elected people from rural communities to become local leaders for social Innovation in rural areas, involving local corporations, civil society organizations, labor market players and service providers in critical times and following the ODS framework.

The development and promotion of the implementation of local leadership plans based on local communities will be focused on promoting new emerging services and economies to set population in rural areas and fight against the impact of the economic crisis that COVID-19 pandemic will spread.

Full title: Local Leadership for European Rural and Small Cities

Start: 1.10.2020

Finish: 30.09.2022

Programme: Erasmus+

Sub-Programme: KA2

Website: to be announced


The Partnership

The participating countries and partner organizations are: Associazione Rete dei Comuni Solidali – Comuni della Terra per il Mondo(Italy), FUNDACION PARA LA INNOVACION Y LA TECNOLOGIA(Spain), Kapadokya Egitim ve Arastirma Dernegi(Turkey), EYROPAIKO INSTITOYTO TOPIKHS ANAPTYKSHS(Greece), EXCMO. AYUNTAMIENTO DE PURCHENA(Spain), MUNICIPIO DE LOUSADA(Portugal).

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