She is a teacher of English (MA in ELT) an awarded eTwinner, Erasmus+ Coordinator, a YGA( Young Gru Academy) role model teacher( teacher trainer), an Ambassador of IELTA( International English Teachers Association) Türkiye, responsible for the teachers’ development of IELTA members, and a member of Turkish NSS Desktop. She is an innovative and project-based teacher. She has participated in and founded several national and international projects. She won 23 National, and European National Quality labels and five prizes from them. In the scope of her projects, she organized several webinars with experts, writers, scientists, and foundations. As she is highly experienced in Web 2.0 tools, Web 3.0 tools, and Artificial Intelligence, she has received invitations as an invited expert for KA1 projects from different schools. In addition to her projects, she attended symposiums and presented her works there. She has published international articles.